Oldies but goodies though! All of our same recipes are now on Mighty Mrs. and I will continue posting new recipes as we test and perfect them. So why did I rename and redesign? Here's why:
- I want a name and a site that has a little more personality so that people can get to know me and all my mightiness and I'll even share with you all of my flaws (OK, some) — ain't no Martha Stewart here.
- I want to provide a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes effort that goes into this recipe blog. It's a lot of fun and it's a lot of work. I want you to see the whole process.
- You can now rate every recipe on a 5-star scale.
- It's easier to find recipes with an improved search bar and simpler site navigation.
- It's mobile and tablet friendly. This will be helpful for cooking, grocery shopping and Pinning!
- You can now easily print your favorite recipes. Keep a binder of your favorite ones!
- Eventually I'd like to open a little online shop with some cute and one-of-a-kind items to make cooking more fun. Because aside from the dirtying dishes, cooking should actually be enjoyable. Especially if you add wine.
- More recipe details: cook & prep time, how easy or hard the dish is to make and reviews by others who have made the dish.
- The ads — I decided I do want to have ads on my site. I try to keep them as out-of-the-way as possible and I even selected ad categories that I think will be appealing to you all. Some spam does get through from time to time but I even try to monitor that to keep it to a minimum. I do make an average of $30-50/month off of them. I hope that will increase over time as I get more visitors and get accepted into better ad networks. I plan to keep everyone posted about that because in addition to sharing my favorite recipes, I also want to be a resource to others looking to start their own blog. If you're curious about starting your own blog, check out what's involved.
Is this cool or what? I want one.